General improvements.

- Test tool can now test write as well as read errors.
- Added watchdog timer to marlinSerialProtocol.
- Resync after send now improved.
Marcio Teixeira 7 years ago
parent 1fc0a8f206
commit d566da1646

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def send_gcode_test(filename, serial):
gcode = load_gcode(filename)
for i, line in enumerate(gcode):
while(not serial.clearToSend()):
if(i % 1000 == 0):
print("Progress: %d" % (i*100/len(gcode)), end='\r')
@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ def send_gcode_test(filename, serial):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''sends gcode to a printer while injecting errors to test error recovery.''')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='Serial port.', default='/dev/ttyACM1')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--fake', help='Use a fake Marlin simulation instead of serial port, for self-testing.', action='store_false', dest='port')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--errors', help='Corrupt 1 out N lines to exercise error recovery.', default='0', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-e', '--errors', help='Corrupt 1 out N lines written to exercise error recovery.', default='0', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--readerrors', help='Corrupt 1 out N lines read to exercise error recovery.', default='0', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', help='Write log file.')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--baud', help='Sets the baud rate for the serial port.', default='115000', type=int)
parser.add_argument('filename', help='file containing gcode, or TEST for synthetic non-printing GCODE')
@ -73,14 +74,19 @@ else:
print("Using simulated Marlin device.")
sio = FakeMarlinSerialDevice()
if args.readerrors:
print("1 out of %d lines read will be corrupted." % args.readerrors)
sio = NoisySerialConnection(sio)
sio.setReadErrorRate(1, args.readerrors)
if args.log:
print("Writing log file: ", args.log)
sio = LoggingSerialConnection(sio, args.log)
if args.errors:
print("1 out of %d lines will be corrupted." % args.errors)
print("1 out of %d lines written will be corrupted." % args.errors)
sio = NoisySerialConnection(sio)
sio.setErrorRate(1, args.errors)
sio.setWriteErrorRate(1, args.errors)

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class FakeMarlinSerialDevice:
self.line = 1
self.replies = []
self.pendingOk = 0
self.dropCharacters = 0
self.cumulativeReads = 0
self.cumulativeWrites = 0
@ -44,14 +45,37 @@ class FakeMarlinSerialDevice:
return ''
def _enqueue_okay(self):
self._enqueue_reply("ok T:10")
def _computeChecksum(self, data):
"""Computes the GCODE checksum, this is the XOR of all characters in the payload, including the position"""
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data))
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data) if isinstance(data, str) else list(data))
def write(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode()
m = re.match(b'N(\d+)(\D[^*]*)\*(\d*)$', data)
if data.strip() == b"":
if self.dropCharacters:
data = data[self.dropCharacters:]
self.dropCharacters = 0
hasLineNumber = b"N" in data
hasChecksum = b"*" in data
if not hasLineNumber and not hasChecksum:
# Handle M110 commands which tell Marlin to reset the line counter
m = re.match(b'N(\d+)M110\*(\d+)$', data)
if m:
self.line = int(
m = re.match(b'N(\d+)(\D[^*]*)\*(\d+)$', data)
if m and int( == self.line and self._computeChecksum(b"N%d%s" % (self.line, == int(
# We have a valid, properly sequenced command with a valid checksum
self.line += 1
@ -61,11 +85,14 @@ class FakeMarlinSerialDevice:
self.replies = []
self.pendingOk = 0
self._enqueue_reply("Resend: " + str(self.line))
# When Marlin issues a resend, it often misses the next few
# characters. So simulate this here.
self.dropCharacters = random.randint(0, 5)
for i in range(0,random.randint(0,4)):
# Simulate a command that takes a while to execute
self._enqueue_reply("ok T:10")
self.cumulativeWrites += 1
self.cumulativeQueueSize += self.pendingOk
@ -83,4 +110,4 @@ class FakeMarlinSerialDevice:
print("Average errors per write: %.2f" % (float(self.cumulativeErrors) / self.cumulativeWrites))
print("Total writes: %d" % self.cumulativeWrites)
print("Total errors: %d" % self.cumulativeErrors)

@ -86,29 +86,28 @@ class MarlinSerialProtocol:
self.serial = serial
self.marlinBufSize = 4
self.marlinReserve = 1
self.pendingOk = 0
self.gotError = False
self.history = GCodeHistory()
self.slow_commands = re.compile("M109|M190|G28|G29")
def _stripCommentsAndWhitespace(self, str):
return str.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
return str.split(b';', 1)[0].strip()
def _replaceEmptyLineWithM105(self, str):
"""Marlin will not accept empty lines, so replace blanks with M115 (Get Extruder Temperature)"""
return "M105" if str == "" else str
return b"M105" if str == b"" else str
def _computeChecksum(self, data):
"""Computes the GCODE checksum, this is the XOR of all characters in the payload, including the position"""
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data))
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data) if isinstance(data, str) else list(data))
def _addPositionAndChecksum(self, position, cmd):
"""An GCODE with line number and checksum consists of N{position}{cmd}*{checksum}"""
data = "N%d%s" % (position, cmd)
return "N%d%s*%d" % (position, cmd, self._computeChecksum(data))
data = b"N%d%s" % (position, cmd)
return b"N%d%s*%d" % (position, cmd, self._computeChecksum(data))
def _sendImmediate(self, cmd):
self.serial.write(cmd + '\n')
self.serial.write(cmd + b'\n')
self.pendingOk += 1
@ -124,19 +123,22 @@ class MarlinSerialProtocol:
def _isResendRequest(self, line):
"""If the line is a resend command from Marlin, returns the line number. This
code was taken from Cura 1, I do not know why it is so convoluted."""
if "resend" in line.lower() or "rs" in line:
if b"resend" in line.lower() or b"rs" in line:
return int(line.replace("N:"," ").replace("N"," ").replace(":"," ").split()[-1])
return int(line.replace(b"N:",b" ").replace(b"N",b" ").replace(b":",b" ").split()[-1])
if "rs" in line:
if b"rs" in line:
return int(line.split()[1])
return None
def _isNoLineNumberErr(self, line):
"""If Marlin encounters a checksum without a line number, it will request
a resend. This often happens at the start of a print, when a command is
sent prior to Marlin being ready to listen."""
if line.startswith("Error:No Line Number with checksum"):
m ="Last Line: (\d+)", line);
if line.startswith(b"Error:No Line Number with checksum"):
m ="Last Line: (\d+)", line);
return int( + 1
@ -146,88 +148,88 @@ class MarlinSerialProtocol:
cmd = self._addPositionAndChecksum(self.history.position()-1, b"M110")
def _stallWatchdog(self, line):
"""Watches for a stall in the print. This can happen if a number of
okays are lost in transmission. To recover, we send Marlin a command
with an invalid checksum. One it requests a resend, we will back into
a known good state."""
if line == b"":
if self.stallCountdown > 0:
self.stallCountdown -= 1
self.stallCountdown = 30
estimated_duration = 15 if else 2
self.stallCountdown = max(estimated_duration, self.stallCountdown-1)
def _resendFrom(self, position):
"""If Marlin requests a resend, we need to backtrack."""
self.pendingOk = 1
self.pendingOk = 0
self.consecutiveOk = 0
def _flushReadBuffer(self):
while self.serial.readline() != b"":
def sendCommand(self, cmd):
"""Sends a command. Should only be called if clearToSend() is true"""
def enqueueCommand(self, cmd):
"""Adds a command to the sending queue. Queued commands will only be processed during calls to readLine()"""
if isinstance(cmd, str):
cmd = cmd.encode()
cmd = self._stripCommentsAndWhitespace(cmd)
cmd = self._replaceEmptyLineWithM105(cmd)
cmd = self._addPositionAndChecksum(self.history.getAppendPosition(), cmd)
# Add command to the history, but immediately send it out.
def _gotOkay(self):
if self.pendingOk > 0:
self.pendingOk -= 1
def _enterResyncPeriod(self):
"""We define two operational modes. In the normal mode, we send as many
commands as necessary to keep the Marlin queue filled and wait for
an acknowledgement prior to issuing each subsequent command. In the
resync mode, we send only one command at a time, unless there is a
timeout waiting for a response, in which case we proceed to the next
command. The resync mode is engaged at the start of a print or after
an error causing a resend, as at those times the normal mode could
lead to an unrecoverable failure loop or block indefinitely."""
self.resyncCountdown = self.marlinBufSize
def _resyncCountdown(self):
"""Decrement the resync countdown so we can eventually return to
normal mode"""
if self.resyncCountdown > 0:
self.resyncCountdown -= 1
def _inResync(self):
return self.resyncCountdown > 0
def readLine(self):
def readline(self):
"""This reads data from Marlin. If no data is available '' will be returned after
the comm timeout. This *must* be called periodically to keep outgoing data moving
from the buffers."""
the comm timeout."""
line = self.serial.readline()
# An okay means Marlin acknowledged a command. For us,
# this means a slot has been freed in the Marlin buffer.
# An okay means Marlin acknowledged a command. This means
# a slot has been freed in the Marlin buffer for a new
# command.
if line.startswith(b"ok"):
# During the resync period, we treat timeouts as "ok".
# This keeps us from stalling if an "ok" is lost.
if self._inResync() and line == b"":
# Watch for and attempt to recover from complete stalls.
# Sometimes Marlin replies with an "Error:", but not an "ok".
# So if we got an error, followed by a timeout, stop waiting
# for an "ok" as it probably ain't coming
if line.startswith(b"ok"):
self.gotError = False
elif line.startswith("Error:"):
elif line.startswith(b"Error:"):
self.gotError = True;
elif line == b"" and self.gotError:
self.gotError = False
# Handle retry related messages. There's no specific
# consistency on how these are indicated, alas.
# Handle resend requests from Marlin. This happens when Marlin
# detects a command with a checksum or line number error.
resendPos = self._isResendRequest(line) or self._isNoLineNumberErr(line)
if resendPos:
# If we got a resend requests, purge lines until timeout, but watch
# for any subsequent resend requests (we must only act on the last).
while line != b"":
line = self.serial.readline()
resendPos = self._isResendRequest(line) or self._isNoLineNumberErr(line) or resendPos
# Process the last received resend request:
if resendPos > self.history.position():
# If Marlin is asking us to step forward in time, reset its counter.
# Otherwise rewind to where Marlin wants us to resend from.
# Report a timeout to the calling code.
line = b""
return line
@ -238,19 +240,16 @@ class MarlinSerialProtocol:
def marlinBufferCapacity(self):
"""Returns how many buffer positions are open in Marlin. This is the difference between
the non-reserved buffer spots and the number of not yet acknowleged commands. In
resync mode, this always returns 0 if a command has not yet been acknowledged, 1
if self._inResync():
return 0 if self.pendingOk else 1
the non-reserved buffer spots and the number of not yet acknowleged commands."""
return (self.marlinBufSize - self.marlinReserve) - self.pendingOk
def restart(self):
"""Clears all buffers and issues a M110 to Marlin. Call this at the start of every print."""
self.pendingOk = 0
self.stallCountdown = 30
self.gotError = False
def close(self):

@ -14,24 +14,34 @@ import random
import string
class NoisySerialConnection:
"""Wrapper class which injects character noise into the outgoing packets
of a serial connection for testing Marlin's error correction"""
"""Wrapper class which injects character noise into data of
a serial connection for testing Marlin's error correction"""
def __init__(self, serial):
self.serial = serial
self.errorRate = 0
self.readErrorRate = 0
self.writeErrorRate = 0
def _corruptStr(self, str):
def _corruptData(self, data):
"""Introduces a single character error on a string"""
charToCorrupt = random.randint(0, len(str) - 1)
return str[:charToCorrupt] + random.choice(string.ascii_letters) + str[charToCorrupt+1:]
badChar = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
badChar = badChar if isinstance(data, str) else badChar.encode()
if len(data) == 0:
return data
if len(data) == 1:
return badChar
charToCorrupt = random.randint(0, len(data) - 1)
return data[:charToCorrupt] + badChar + data[charToCorrupt+1:]
def write(self, data):
if(random.random() < self.errorRate):
data = self._corruptStr(data)
if(random.random() < self.writeErrorRate):
data = self._corruptData(data)
def readline(self):
return self.serial.readline()
data = self.serial.readline()
if(random.random() < self.readErrorRate):
data = self._corruptData(data)
return data
def flush(self):
@ -39,6 +49,10 @@ class NoisySerialConnection:
def close(self):
def setErrorRate(self, badWrites, totalWrites):
def setWriteErrorRate(self, badWrites, totalWrites):
"""Inserts a single character error into every badWrites out of totalWrites"""
self.errorRate = float(badWrites)/float(totalWrites)
self.writeErrorRate = float(badWrites)/float(totalWrites)
def setReadErrorRate(self, badReads, totalReads):
"""Inserts a single character error into every badReads out of totalReads"""
self.readErrorRate = float(badReads)/float(totalReads)