* the compile time token may be defined in the application's makefile to disable automatic flushing during calls to the class driver USB
* management tasks.
* \section Sec_SummaryUSBTokens General USB Driver Related Tokens
* This section describes compile tokens which affect USB driver stack as a whole in the LUFA library.
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
* the ability to receive USB Start of Frame events via the \ref EVENT_USB_Device_StartOfFrame() or \ref EVENT_USB_Host_StartOfFrame() events is removed,
* reducing the compiled program's binary size.
* \section Sec_SummaryUSBDeviceTokens USB Device Mode Driver Related Tokens
* This section describes compile tokens which affect USB driver stack of the LUFA library when used in Device mode.
@ -204,5 +206,15 @@
* they will fail to enumerate correctly. By placing a delay before the enumeration process, it can be ensured that the bus has settled
* back to a known idle state before communications occur with the device. This token may be defined to a 16-bit value to set the device
* settle period, specified in milliseconds. If not defined, the default value specified in Host.h is used instead.