@ -234,10 +234,48 @@
void EVENT_USB_CDC_ControLineStateChanged(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo);
/** Sends a given string to the attached USB host, if connected. If a host is not connected when the function is called, the
* string is discarded.
* \param CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class configuration and state.
* \param Data Pointer to the string to send to the host
* \param Length Size in bytes of the string to send to the host
void USB_CDC_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Data, uint16_t Length);
/** Sends a given byte to the attached USB host, if connected. If a host is not connected when the function is called, the
* byte is discarded.
* \param CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class configuration and state.
* \param Data Byte of data to send to the host
void USB_CDC_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint8_t Data);
/** Determines the number of bytes received by the CDC interface from the host, waiting to be read.
* \param CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class configuration and state.
* \return Total number of buffered bytes received from the host
uint16_t USB_CDC_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo);
/** Reads a byte of data from the host. If no data is waiting to be read of if a USB host is not connected, the function
* returns 0. The USB_CDC_BytesReceived() function should be queried before data is recieved to ensure that no data
* underflow occurs.
* \param CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class configuration and state.
* \return Next received byte from the host, or 0 if no data received
uint8_t USB_CDC_ReceiveByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo);
/** Sends a Serial Control Line State Change notification to the host. This should be called when the virtual serial control
* lines (DCD, DSR, etc.) have changed states, or to give BREAK notfications to the host. Line states persist until they are
* cleared via a second notification.
* \param CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class configuration and state.
* \param LineStateMask Mask of CDC_CONTROL_LINE_IN_* masks giving the current control line states
void USB_CDC_SendSerialLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint16_t LineStateMask);
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