@ -86,13 +86,6 @@
/* Function Prototypes: */
/** Initializes the USART, ready for serial data transmission and reception.
* \param BaudRate Baud rate to configure the USART to
* \param DoubleSpeed Enables double speed mode when set, halving the sample time to double the baud rate
void Serial_Init(const uint32_t BaudRate, const bool DoubleSpeed);
/** Transmits a given string located in program space (FLASH) through the USART.
* \param FlashStringPtr Pointer to a string located in program space
@ -106,6 +99,24 @@
void Serial_TxString(const char *StringPtr) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
/* Inline Functions: */
/** Initializes the USART, ready for serial data transmission and reception. This initialises the interface to
* standard 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit settings suitable for most applications.
* \param BaudRate Serial baud rate, in bits per second
* \param DoubleSpeed Enables double speed mode when set, halving the sample time to double the baud rate
static inline void Serial_Init(const uint32_t BaudRate, const bool DoubleSpeed)
UCSR1A = (DoubleSpeed ? (1 << U2X1) : 0);
UCSR1B = ((1 << TXEN1) | (1 << RXEN1));
UCSR1C = ((1 << UCSZ11) | (1 << UCSZ10));
DDRD |= (1 << 3);
PORTD |= (1 << 2);
UBRR1 = (DoubleSpeed ? SERIAL_2X_UBBRVAL(BaudRate) : SERIAL_UBBRVAL(BaudRate));
/** Transmits a given byte through the USART.
* \param DataByte Byte to transmit through the USART