Dean Camera
Added board hardware driver support for the Olimex AVR-USB-162 development board (thanks to Steve Fawcett).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clarify in the project documentation files what the each of the different USB AVR device "series" comprises of.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix incorrect ADC driver documentation for the parameters of ADC_Init(), fix incorrect call to ADC_Init() in the TemperatureDatalogger project.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Better documentation for the Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint() and Pipe_ConfigurePipe() functions.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed LowLevel PrinterHost demo not sending control requests to the attached printer with the correct printer interface wIndex value.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed the signature of the CALLBACK_USB_GetDescriptor() callback function so that the descriptor pointer is const, to remove the need for extra casting inside the callback (thanks to Jonathan Kollasch).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix Doxygen typos in Device.h.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Optimise Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint_Prv() function to produce smaller code when CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE compile time token is defined.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Split out endpoint and pipe stream functions into new EndpointStream.c/.h and PipeStream.c/.h files.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed all Device mode LowLevel demos and Device Class drivers so that the control request is acknowledged and any data transferred as quickly as possible without any processing inbetween sections, so that long callbacks or event handlers will not break communications with the host by exceeding the maximum control request stage timeout period.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Moved calls to Device mode Class Driver events to after the request has been acknowledged, so that long event handlers do do skew the timing of the control requests.
Fixed USBtoSerial and Benito project SetLineEncoding calls failing if the USART is busy, due to the RX ISR delaying the control request handler.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Added compile time error to the AVRISP-MKII project when built for the U4 chips, as the default VTARGET detection ADC channel does not exist on these chips (thanks to Marco).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clarify in the documentation that the Audio demos and driver is for the Audio 1.0 specification, not the newer (and more advanced/less supported) 2.0 specification.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed critical pipe/endpoint memory allocation issue where the bank memory address space could be silently overlapped in the USB controller if the endpoints or pipes were allocated in anything other than ascending order (thanks to Martin Degelsegger).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Added new SCSI_ASENSE_NOT_READY_TO_READY_CHANGE constant to the Mass Storage class driver, to indicate when a previously not ready removable medium has now become ready for the host's use (thanks to Martin Degelsegger)
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed USB_GetHIDReportItemInfo() function modifying the given report item's data when the report item does not exist within the supplied report of a multiple report HID device.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Removed complicated logic for the Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint() function to use inlined or function called versions depending of if the given bank size is a compile time constant, as the compiler does a better job of optimizing with basic code.
Changed over all device demos to use a clearer algorithm for the configuring of the application's endpoints.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Hide the PROGMEM attribute from Doxygen, as it appears to confuse the parser in some situations.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix XPLAINBridge project discarding characters from the USB interface due to a double read from the endpoint.
Make XPLAINBridge and USBtoSerial projects more reliable by forcing a flush if the UART-to-USB buffer becomes nearly full.
Reduce locking in the LightweightRingBuffer.h header files by only locking on the update of the buffer count, and require insertions and removals from each buffer to occur in only one execution thread.
Fix CDC_*_ReceiveByte() returning 0 when the interface is not configured, instead of the new -1 error value.
Fix CDC_Host_ReceiveByte() not re-freezing the pipe if no packet has been received.
Remove redundant Pipe token set commands in the CDC and RNDIS host class drivers.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed Serial peripheral driver not turning off the USART before reconfiguring it, which would cause incorrect operation to occur (thanks to Bob Paddock).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Oops - fix mixed "initialize" and "initialise" - opt for American spelling due to its wide use in technical standards.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
More spell checking of all source files -- correct missed errors, switch to EN-GB spelling dictionary.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Altered the CDC Deivice and Host Class drivers' receive byte routines, so that no data is indicated by a negative return value.
Added auto flushing of OUT data to the CDC Host Class driver's USBTask function to automatically flush the send pipe buffer.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Spell check all source files once again to find any typos.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add special support to the AVRISP-MKII for the new model USBTINY-MKII's additional LED to indicate target power source.
Add support to the USBTINY-MKII's additional LED in the board's LED driver header.
Changed LED indicator masks for the AVRISP-MKII project, so that there are defined roles for each LED.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Oops - remove duplicated SPI driver init mask.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Added support to the AVRISP-MKII project for ISP speeds slower than 125KHz via a new software SPI driver.
Added new SPI_ORDER_* data order masks to the SPI peripheral driver.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Use static inline intermediatary functions in Endpoint.h to handle the masking for the private endpoint configuration routine, instead of performing the masking in the Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint() macro.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Move over message ID specific header data to unions inside the standard TMC header structure, so that all header data is read in one chunk in the incomplete TMC demo.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Rename reserved members of all structs so that they are uniformly named across all demos/projects/bootloaders.
Added start of the Incomplete TMC demo's command parser code.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update size of compiled Mouse demo in documentation, fix indenting in Device.h.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Convert over internal pseudo-function macros to true inline functions for added type-safety and compile-checking.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Replace internal Pipe_BytesToEPSizeMask() routine with a new version which results in smaller code.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add missing const qualifiers to class drivers.
Indent core library function parameters so that there is only one parameter per line, to increase readability.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Move and rename DevChaper9.c/.h and HostChapter9.c/.h to the HighLevel directory, new named DeviceStandardReq.c/.h and HostStandardReq.c/.h.
Rename LowLevel.c/.h to USBController.c/.h.
Remove dependancies on the complete <avr/io.h> header in the HighLevel USB driver directory, to ensure less work is required in later (possible) ports.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add missing const qualifier to the parameters of the USB_GetNextDescriptorComp() function.
Reduce spacing of the structure elements in StdDescriptors.h to make the code more readable.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed MIDI_Device_SendEventPacket() not correctly waiting for the endpoint to become ready (thanks to Robin Green).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update makefiles to use the latest WinAVR/Atmel toolchain makefile template.
Add new module source variables to the library core makefile, so that module sources can be added to a project's makefile on a per-module rather than per-file basis.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Removed the automated checking of event names in the demo, project and bootloader makefiles due to inconsistancies between the behaviour of the command line tools used to perform the check on each platform.
Removed the internal endpoint and pipe memory allocation macros, as this is already performed directly in the code. Simplify the endpoint and pipe reset procedure.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed HID device class driver still using PrevReportINBuffer for GetReport control requests even when it has been set to NULL by the user application (thanks to Axel Rohde).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Added const attributes to some of the class driver function parameters that were missing it.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add missing eol-style properties to new source files.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Make main readme file easier to read, and make documentation build instructions clearer.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Added new Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Device.c file to house Device mode specific functions that are more complicated than simple macros. Moved USB_Device_SendRemoteWakeup() to the new Device.c source file and corrected it to unfreeze and restart the USB controller clock before issuing a Remote Wakeup request.
Removed the USB_Device_IsRemoteWakeupSent() and USB_Device_IsUSBSuspended() macros, as they are now obsolete.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Minor tweaks to the library documentation.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Spell check code and manual pages. Remove custom Doxygen CSS stylesheet, as the new 1.7 Doxygen's default stylesheet is much better.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix HID parser documentation for the default maximum report/path/etc. elements so that it matches the current code values.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Change over Doxygen \note documentation to \pre where applicable.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Slight improvements to the reliability of the software UART in the XPLAINBridge project.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Speed up calls to Pipe_IsPipeBound() by immediately skipping unconfigured pipes, rather than performing token check first.
15 years ago